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One stop Assembly Shop

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(based on 22 reviews)

Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!




Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!
Teamwork assembly - When things just work

Teamwork assembly - When things just work

Teamwork/ Working in a team/ Working together/ Cooperation/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly focusses on the positives of working together and the importance of working together to achieve a common goal within a school. It features a really awesome video which explains the concept visually. The idea behind the assembly is to show the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This assembly champions working together to achieve a common or collective goal. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with notes Hyperlink to video A ‘how to use guide’ containing a synopsis, delivery support and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Random acts of kindness day - 17th February

Random acts of kindness day - 17th February

Random acts of kindness/ 17th February/ Be kind/ Pass it on/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school It would be very wrong of me not to offer this assembly for free as a random act of kindness… all I ask if that you in turn pass on the random act of kindness to someone else (and/or leave a nice review!) This assembly is simply about making the world a better place. It talks about what kindness is, what characteristics kind people show and questions the students on whether they consider themselves ‘kind’. The assembly talks through 3 incredible acts of bravery and kindness in recent history and talks about why being kind is an important trait. It offers a interesting video on the human bodies reaction to kindness and gives the students a collective challenge. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with notes A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Armed forces day (25th June) - Assembly

Armed forces day (25th June) - Assembly

Armed forces day/ 25th June/ Military/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all about celebrating the selflessness and courage of the individuals serving and who have served in the Armed forces. It looks at some Armed forces ‘jargon’ and talks about why we celebrate this day and the plethora of people directly and indirectly involved with the Armed forces. Its finishes looking at the perks and sacrifices of a career in the Armed forces and how your students can be a small part of it. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with video links A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
'Hygge' -  Mental health and wellbeing assembly

'Hygge' - Mental health and wellbeing assembly

Mental health/ Relaxation/ Happiest country in the world/ Finland/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is based on the yearly ranking of the ‘Happiest country in the world’ which is currently Finland and the concept of ‘Hygge’ - a cultural concept of coziness and relaxation adpoted by Scandanavian countries. ‘Hygge’ aims to promote a positive mind set and the importance of taking time to appreciate friends and family. The assembly contains: A full powerpoint with notes A how to use document with synopsis, delivery help and customisation ideas. Thank for looking.
Self esteem 'Poker chips' - Assembly

Self esteem 'Poker chips' - Assembly

Poker chips/ self esteem/ confidence/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all based around self esteem. It looks at what it is, how we build it and if everyone has it in equal measures. The assembly uses poker chips as an analogy to look at Student A (high self esteem - lots of poker chips each day) and Student B (low self esteem- very few poker chips) and how their days could differ significantly and importantly how small insignificant issues to some people can really have a profound affect on others. The assembly finishes with some tough questions for the students to ask themselves. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Super human/ Barriers/ Adversity/ Sport/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Only one place to start here… the Paralympics. This assembly looks at the most successful British Paralympians and what difficulties they had to overcome in order to be successful. It ask the students to think over their own adversity and whether they dealt with it in a positive or negative way. It then looks around why a positive mindset can support students to overcome adversity in their lives. The assembly also enables you to input specific support you school can offer to help students overcome any issues they may have. The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Respect and courtesy assembly - Teachers

Respect and courtesy assembly - Teachers

Respect/ Teaching/ Teachers/ Respecting others/ Positive relationships/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary A 10-15 minute assembly about having respect and courtesy for teachers. The assembly informs students of the routes and qualifications you need to be a teacher and importantly details the incredible range of roles teachers play on a daily basis. The assembly uses a video from the TES to show a ‘normal’ teaching day. Respect between students and teachers is a vital pillar to having a successful school and a really important issue to raise at whole school level. Included in pack: Full assembly - with notes Hyperlink to video A ‘How to use’ document which includes synopsis, delivery support, and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
'Stingy Jack ' Halloween assembly

'Stingy Jack ' Halloween assembly

Halloween/ Ghost/ Ghouls/ Scary/ Trick or treat/ Jack ‘o’ Lantern/ Whole school/ Assembly idea This 10-15 minute spooky Halloween assembly is all about story telling. The powerpoint tells the story of Stingy Jack and where the expression Jack ‘o’ lantern comes from as well as giving facts about Halloween origins and how some traditions came to be. There is also a short quiz at the end for students to participate in. The pack contains: Full powerpoint (with spooky music and visual aids) with a link to a video if you would rather not tell the story yourself. A ‘how to use’ word document containing synposis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos - Assembly (2nd November)

Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos - Assembly (2nd November)

Dia de los Muertos/ day of the dead/ life/ death/ Assembly ideas / Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school This 10-15 minute assembly celebrates the ‘Day of the dead’ or ‘Dia de los Muertos’ . This festival of Latin origin celebrates life and death and offers the chance for missed loved ones to crossover back into the world and provide comfort and advice for the living. This assembly talks through what exactly the day is, some unique traditions associated with the festival and the foods behind the celebration. It also gives tips on how students can become a small part of it. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with notes and hyperlink A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Extreme weather - assembly

Extreme weather - assembly

Heat/ Weather/ self care/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Year upon year we all have those students who even in extreme heat play football or run around for the entirety of their lunch time (and then wonder why they feel unwell). This assembly looks and talks through extreme weather phenomenon’s and links it back to how students can ensure they are looking after themselves during unstructured times. It looks at the issues around dehydration and heat stroke and gives useful practical advise for how student can navigate the ever increasing ‘hot’ temperatures The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition/ Year 6/ Secondary school/ First day/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school Undoubtably the transition from Year 6-7 can be an incredibly overwhelming and ‘scary’ time for students. This assembly aims to reassure all students by normalising the fear of the unknown and offers practical advice for making the transition as smooth as possible. The assembly also offers plenty of chances for the students to mingle and start the process of learning to communicate effectively with other students (and hopefully develop some positive first impressions). The pack contains: Full power point with notes and hyperlink A word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
'Be the Iguana'  - Never give up assembly

'Be the Iguana' - Never give up assembly

Perserverance/ Don’t give up/ Keep going/ Never give up/ Overcoming barriers/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is about never giving up and the idea of perserverance. It has a truely remarkable video which will have your students on the edge of their seat chanting ‘Be the Iguana’. The assembly also and addresses the idea of the negative language the students tend to use when they feel they are not instantly good at a skill i.e. ‘I can’t do that’ The pack contains: A full powerpoint Link to hyperlink (on slide) A ‘how to’ word document containing a synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Please do review if you enjoyed using the assembly. Thanks for looking.
Ambition - Assembly

Ambition - Assembly

Ambition/ Goals/ Future/ Secondary/ Primary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often associate ambition with ‘power’ or ‘wealth’. This assembly looks at what ambition actually is and states examples ranging from Alexander the Great to Dolly Parton. It looks at where ambition comes from and characteristics of ambitious people. It then finishes by asking the students to think about their futures and any ambitions they might have. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking!
Words hurt - Assembly

Words hurt - Assembly

Words/ language/ Positive/ Negative/ Talking/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often find themselves in verbal conflict with other students. These conflicts often involve ‘throw away’ comments simply designed to upset or offend the other person with no consideration of the long lasting effect their choice of words could have. This assembly looks at why as humans we are quick to use negative or derogatory words and looks at the lasting damage these exchanges can have. It then goes onto look at the way using positive words and language can have a huge bearings on us personally and those around us. It also has a tough video to watch which shows strangers reactions to the worst comment others have have said about them. The assembly finishes with a challenge for the students. The pack contans: Full power point with notes on certain slide and hyper link to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!
Learning from mistakes assembly

Learning from mistakes assembly

Making mistakes/ Learning/ Learning/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas/ Whole school This 10-15 minute assembly shows students that it is ok and normal to make mistakes, but also emphasises how they could and should deal with and importantly learn from making them. The assembly talks through some very costly mistakes in history and offers the students ‘2 doors’ which show two very different pathways to dealing with making mistakes with two different sets of outcomes. The pack contains: Full assembly A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Please do feedback. Thanks for looking
Why do we need a uniform? - Assembly

Why do we need a uniform? - Assembly

Uniform/ Smart/ Dress/ Image/ Fast fashion/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Students tend to ask this simple questions a lot, the usual response is because it makes you look ‘smart’. This assembly looks at historically why uniforms exist and several reasons why a uniform can have a positive impact on students ranging from creating a specific image and avoiding issues around fast fashion. The assembly finishes with a simple message for students about how the little things such as uniform can have a big influence on their future. The pack contains: A full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief/ Self-worth/ Give up/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Lots of students seem to really struggle with their self-worth and self-belief, this seems to be down to the simplest of task in a lesson where you hear ‘I’ll never get this’ or ‘I’ve given up’. The assembly looks at what self-belief is, why it worth and how students can improve it. It asks them to be self-reflective of where they currently are and ends with a nice easy take away message. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
End of Year reflection - Assembly

End of Year reflection - Assembly

Schools out/ Summer holiday/ Term 6/ You and your students have almost made it, the summer holiday is nearly here! This assembly asks your students to reflect upon their year and give themselves key targets for next year (as well as patting themselves on the back for things they have done well). It looks at stress levels in the UK and how this relates to young people and the demands on staff and students across an academic year. It also offers them practical advice about how to best use their summer to relax and recharge. It finishes with some key points around what type of student we wish to see at the start of the next academic year and simply asks them ‘Who do you want to be next year?’ The pack contains: Full powerpoint with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
The need for honesty - Assembly

The need for honesty - Assembly

Honesty/ Being honest/ Lying/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often finds themselves in positions where it is much easier to ‘lie’ or ‘bend the truth’ about a situation rather than take ownership and be truthful. The assembly looks at what lying is, why we do it as humans and the potential complications it can cause. It gives advice about how to tell if someone is lying and talks around the theme of the person lying trying to control the narrative in a situation. The pack contains: Full power point A word document containing - synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Motivation - Assembly

Motivation - Assembly

Motivation/ Internal/ External/ Goals/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Some students have endless motivation whereas some students seem to really struggle. This assembly ask the students to really think about what they are motivated by. It looks at internal and external factors that can motivate students and gives the them 5 ways in which they can positively motivate themselves to achieve either short term or long term targets or goals. It finishes with a clear question for the students to leave on. The pack contains: Full power point with notes where necessary A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!